
Showing posts from May, 2011

The nutritional benefits of milling your own grains

The nutritional benefits of milling your own grains Preparing the most nutritional meals possible for my family has been my focus for many years. For years I have read about the many empty calories we consume on a daily basis. The vitamin and supplement business is a mega-billion dollar industry. I have known for years highly processed foods were bad nutrition. Processed foods are easy and pretty but do not translate to nutritious food. Any foods that have been processed and designed to have a shelf life are at the best poor nutrition. Canned and pre-packaged foods have added ingredients that are poison to our bodies. Doctors have been telling us for years to lower our consumption of saturated fats, sodium and sugar. If everyone just cut their consumption of bad stuff by 50% we would be in far better condition. If we consumed the foods God gave us we would be in splendid condition. In my research I have read many things that are just good common ...