
Showing posts from June, 2013

Pan-seared cod with roast vegetables and brown rice

I rinsed and dried the cod filets and then lightly covered them in fresh lime juice.  I then sprinkled the filets with a little of my latest dry rub.  I then added a little more fresh cracked black pepper and a little olive oil.  I cooked them in a hot black iron skillet in a huge hurry.  I put a little olive oil in the skillet.  The result was a highly moist and flavorful pan-seared filet.  I sprinkled a little dill on the filet on the plate.  The vegetable were cleaned and rinsed and put in a bowl.  I sprinkled a little lime juice on them and then a little apple cider vinegar, I added a small amount of dry rub and a little olive oil and I rolled them in the ingredients to get well coated.  I spread them out on a sheet pan and cooked them for about 30 minutes on low broil and then another 10 on high broil or until desired caramelization occurs.  The brown rice was done with homemade chicken stock and al dente, like I like it!